1. Pets-Rebar, nails and stakes can pose a danger to your pets. Be prepared to kennel your pets or spend extra time walking them if their habitat is invaded. Most Contractors will help out by putting up temporary fencing but only if you have that conversation ahead of time.

2. Utility location-Some Contractors take it upon themselves to call in for utility location. We ask the Customer to take care of it 72 weekday hours before the start. You don’t want your power, water, sewer or gas interrupted or posing danger in your yard. Talk to your Contractor and volunteer to make the call. You most likely only have the one project going and it won’t be overlooked.

3. Relocate prize possessions-No matter how careful your Crew is…accidents do happen. In the heat of battle with your patio, a finishing handle can’t make contact with your favorite flower pot if it is safely tucked away. As a policy we move all fragile objects around the work area but I think that’s rare.

4. Plan ahead-If your garbage cans will need to go out while the concrete is fresh in the path or that golf cart will need to come out of the garage a day after your new driveway is poured be sure to move it ahead of time.

5. Remind yourself-We are creatures of habit. The first step out your back door is now a construction zone. Ask your Contractor for some caution tape to string across your doorway. Here are just a few things to help get your wheels turning. #thefinishingaurhority